用了四年的xvmlabs 4.99刀/年 512M 7IP VPS 终于要告别了




XVM Labs – no more renewals

Dear XVM Labs users,

We would like to inform you that over the next 12 months XVM Labs brand will be gradually closing down.

More specifically, we will disable service renewals across XVM Labs platform – however – all clients will be able to keep their VPS until the end of the paid period.

As you may know, OpenVZ 6 will reach EOL status in November 2019, and investing any more effort in OpenVZ-related development just does not make sense at this point. In fact, we stopped all development for our OpenVZ backend in Q1 2017 (one year ago), and since then we’ve been focusing our efforts solely on KVM technology. We will not be using OpenVZ 7 in our environment as we see no practical sense to do so. Since OpenVZ and KVM are very different platforms, there is no reliable migration path from OpenVZ to KVM – though at XVM Labs price point switching all customers to KVM is unfortunately not feasible – regardless of technical obstacles.

We would like to thank everyone for sticking with XVM Labs for almost 4 years and we hope you can find new home for your awesome projects!

We have posted the same information on our forum:


XVM Labs



入手xvmlabs 4.99刀年付7IP超低端VPS

xvmlabs和bandwagon搬瓦工是同一个东家 IT7,跑路的风险应该是比较低的。




  • 配置1  1CPU 512MB内存 64MB SWAP 5GB存储空间(SSD的 IO很亮眼)  100GB月流量 7IP 年费4.99美元
  • 配置2  1CPU 1GB内存 64MB SWAP 15GB存储空间(SSD的 IO很亮眼) 300GB月流量 7IP 年费  9.99美元



A few major points from our TOS:

No torrents
No TOR and open proxies
No hacking, malware, or attacks
Absolutely no mass mailing of any kind
(including triple-opt-in superenterprise mail)
CPU intensive tasks will be auto-throttled

We care about what is going on on our network.

另外 它家也说明 这是完全无管理型的VPS 除了机器DOWN了 别的他们几乎不管

No guarantees of any kind
No refunds
Limited support via forum (for outages only)
Service is experimental – expect some downtime

总的来说 它家IP多是亮点,每个IP月费0.01美元简直丧心病狂,喜欢多IP的鞋童可以入手一个来玩玩。

安装AMH4.2不到十五分钟就装好了,速度好快!不过这个VPS也铁定是会有国人大量涌入,以后的情况不容乐观啊。好在它家的流量比较少,这个能阻挡大部份BT PT党的脚步了。

放个测试WORDPRESS http://xvmlabs.skywing.me

测试 discuz http://xvmlabs.skywing.me/bbs/

电信访问非常快 比前阵子持有他它的亲兄弟搬瓦工快多了,可能是搬瓦工涌入了太多国人的缘故吧,它的美中线路已经被挤爆了,但愿这个xvmlabs别步搬瓦工的后尘。